Devanahalli is a town in the district of Bangalore Rural in the state of Karnataka. There are 23 wards in the city of Devanahalli. Every 5 years, votes are held for each ward. Devanahalli is a Taluka in the state of Karnataka. The population of Devanahalli in 2023 is 276,701. The literacy rate is 68.33 percent, with 38.46 percent of males and 29.87 percent female literates. Total workers make up 47.80% of the number. Of these, 31.86% are men, and 15.94% are women.
In Devanahalli, 13.76% of taluka farmers work in agriculture. Of these, 10.24% are men, and 3.53% are women. The Devanahalli population chart is a picture showing how all the different types of people are spread out. Devanahalli has 8.03 percent labor, of which 4.33 percent is male, and 3.69 percent is female. Devanahalli Taluka's population is made up of both men and women. People in Devanahalli Taluka can read and write, as well as how many people live there. In 2023, the population of Devanahalli will be 38,000. Due to covid, the city of Devanahalli will not have its census in 2021 as planned. A new population census for Devanahalli will be done in 2023, and that information will be updated when that happens. Current numbers for the town of Devanahalli are only estimates, but all 2011 statistics are true.
Of the total number of people, 11,177 worked or ran a business. Out of these, 8,501 were men, and 2,676 were women. In the census study, a worker is a person who has a business, job, or service, or works as a farmer or laborer. Of the 11,177 working people, 88.02% were doing Main Work, while 11.98% were doing Marginal Work. The population of Devanahalli in 2023 of children aged 0-6 years is 3233, which is 12% of the total population. There are 1,590 boys and 1643 girls between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. So, according to the 2011 Census, the Child Sex Ratio in Devanahalli is 1,033, which is higher than the average of 961.
Based on the 2011 Census, 80.6% of people in Devanahalli can read and write. So, Devanahalli has a higher literacy rate than Bangalore Rural district, which has a rate of 77.9%. In Devanahalli, 86.4% of men can read and write, while only 74.45% of women can do the same. According to the 2011 Census, there are 25,188 Hindus in Devanahalli, which is 89.79% of the total population of Devanahalli in 2023. Also, there are 2,610 Muslims in Devanahalli, 9.3% of the total number of people. Based on the 2011 Census, here are the religions of the people who live in Devanahalli.
Out of the total number of people in Devanahalli Town Municipal Council, 11,177 were working. 88% of workers say that their work is their main job or source of income for more than 6 months, while 12% say that their work is a marginal source of income for less than 6 months. Out of the 11,177 Main Work workers, 1,409 were farmers (owners or co-owners), and 974 were Agricultural helpers. In 2011, 80.61% of people in Devanahalli could read and write. This is more than the average of 75.36% in Karnataka. Out of 20,006 educated people, 10,997 were men, and 9,009 were women. In the population of Devanahalli in 2023, men were 86.47%, while only 74.45% of women could do the same.
People in the city now have the chance to live their best lives at Birla Trimaya. The exclusive enclave has the best homes and amenities in lush settings. The feeling of peace in the project is beyond any other. It shows the builder's commitment to building homes of the best quality.
There are large windows, high ceilings, and open floor plans in the homes, which provide plenty of light and air. The homes have breathtaking views of the surroundings. The Birla Trimaya apartments are set out to be modern living spaces. The villas have their own garden areas and plenty of privacy. They are perfect for those looking for luxurious homes.
The enclave has over 50 amenities that meet the needs of the inhabitants. Birla Trimaya Master Plan includes an elegant clubhouse that spans 60,000 square feet. It is where people can take part in lots of fun activities. There is a swimming pool and exercise facilities here. It is also the space in the enclave that actively encourages people to meet one another.
The project has jogging, walking, and cycling trails across it. These, as well as the sports facilities in the project, encourage an active lifestyle. There are beautifully designed large gardens that give a respite from the rush of daily life. Over 80% of the enclave is set aside for open spaces.
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